Tuesday, November 8, 2016

એક પહેલી - જીવન

જો એ નીકળે તો એ ખોટો, અને જો ના નીકળે તો હું. - શબ્દ 
પ્રયત્ન જરૂર માંગે છે એ પણ આજે પણ ચાલે છે. - શ્વાશ 
કાબૂ કરવો એને છે મુશ્કેલ. જયારે રહે કાબૂમાં, આંસુ બની વહી જાય છે. - ગુસ્સો 
એ સરે તો હૃદય હળવું થાય, પણ એના ઉદ્ભવનો ભાર દિલ કેમ ખમે! - આંસુ  
સારા-નરસા હોય ભલે, જ્ઞાન નવું એ આપે. આજકાલ સારા જરા ને નરસા જાજા થાય છે. - અનુભવ
અડગ કિલ્લો  હતો એ આજે પત્તાનો મહેલ બની ઊભો છે ને પવન જરા તેજ છે અહીં. - સબંધ
એ સુખ માંય ઉભરાય ને દુઃખમાં બી. એનો અતિરેક કે કાબૂ હરેકની પ્રકૃતિ દર્શાવે છે. - લાગણી
ક્યારેક લાગે કે એ ખૂટતી જ નથી ને ક્યારેક શોધી શોધીને થાકો તોય મળતી નથી. - વાતો
પસંદ નથી એ કોઈને છતાં કરે છે દરેક દાવો - મારી પાસે છે ઘણાં. - દુઃખ
એ કદી અટકતો નથી તોય ક્યારેક લાગે છે કે પસાર થતો નથી. - સમય
આમ તો એ છે પરિમાણ રહિત પણ 'પૃથક' માપે એને 'બે ગ્રામ'. - પ્રેમ

Friday, September 16, 2016

A tribute to my friend…

10 years on, the touch of his steering wheel – rather the grip of the steering wheel still thrills me…
10 years on, the roar of his intact 3L engine still amuses me…
10 years on, the movement of his gearstick and original gears still amazes me…
10 years on, the reading of his odometer (at 229049 on 15Aug16) still craves me for more…
10 years on, the speedometer’s smooth sailing from 0 to 130 kmph still fascinates me…
10 years on, the average of 12/13 kmpl still makes me proud…
10 years on, his effortless movement thru the lanes still preserves my king of zigzag driving title…
10 years on, I still look back at the first corner I turn after parking him and admire…
10 years on, I still like the world better through his windshield and three mirrors…
10 years on, I still look down from my window at midnights at him and miss our wanderings…
10 years on, I still introduce him as “Carbon – my companion on road and off-road” to my loved ones…
10 years on, I still Love him…

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Proposal


Read this, it is from the movie Home Alone 2…

Bird Lady: So what are you doing alone on Christmas Eve? You did something wrong?
Kevin McCallister: A lot of things.
Bird Lady: Did you know that a good deed erases a bad deed?
Kevin McCallister: Its late. I dont know if I’ll have enough time to do enough good deeds to erase all my bad ones.
Bird Lady: Its Christmas Eve. Good deeds count extra tonight. Think of an important thing you can do for others, and go do it. Just follow the star in your heart.


What are you doing on this Christmas Eve? If nothing special, let’s get married on that eve.

You see, if I follow the star in my heart, I think it is a good deed we can do. And that will be counted somewhat extra also, to compensate for some bad deeds we would have done by then or we would do in future. Of course, it is the best thing for us, it is a good thing for others also as we would invite them for (free!!) dinner. So, what do you say? (Generally Christmas Eve is evening of 24th Dec, but we can cheat slightly on that and do the wedding thing after 12 o’clock, by that we can have the wedding both, on Christmas Eve and on 25th Dec.! :))

If the reason in the above paragraph is not good enough, I can add some more reasons for which you would be tempted to marry me! First thing is that I love you. Second is that I love you so much. One more is that I will always love you. Yet another is that I will love you more at a given moment than the previous one, and that is true for all the moments to come…

If the reason in the above paragraph is not good enough, I can add that I want you to be happy and smiling all the time and I think you will be happy and smiling all the time if you are with me all the time. We would be a happy couple who would be smiling together in all good and bad times…

If the reason in the above paragraph is not good enough, I can add that we have known each other for a long time now and the good thing is that we understand each other so well. We know what the other one would think or say or do in a given situation. There are things we both like, like music. There are things that one of one likes and the other doesn’t, like pop or rock music, but even then we respect and accept each other’s choices. I am sure one day we will originate a new genre called ‘The Indian Classical Rock’ and the world would remember us as the parents of it!

If the reason in the above paragraph is not good enough, I can add that I can continue this sequel of adding a paragraph starting with “If the reason in the above paragraph is not good enough, I can add that…” till the end of time. But I know, rather, we know that I can always come up with something to convince you to my point, so I need not to go till the end of time, only the time when you will say “bas bas… mani gayi” is good enough! And I know that by now you are convinced, because I know you that well. And I also know that you are happy and smiling now and also that you love me too, 3, 4, …, 78…

So, I will call this ‘The Proposal’, and will once again propose you, this time, formally:

My Sweetheart,
Will you marry me on this Christmas Eve?

Lovingly Yours,

26th May 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2016


The sweet little Chicky of mine...
Who was born on Jan the nine...

Who wears world’s sweetest smile...
Whose eyes are like a glass of wine...
Whose hair knot is long like river Nile...
Whose words rime a melodious rhyme...
Whose ‘blinking twice’ is truly divine...

Absolute love is what she clearly define...
Whose thoughts ride the wave of sine...
Whose self-will; no one can decline...
Whose courage hasn’t heard the word dyin’...
The sweet little Chicky of mine...
Who was born on Jan the nine...

Who has made me proud by her shine...
Who reads me like a straight line...
Knows what I mean by the names I assign...
Whose scent instances meaning of the verb pine...
Reminds the days when we jumped cloud nine...
Awaiting the day when together we’ll dine...
Believe me, I’m not lyin’...
Penned this when I said am passing the time...
Hope you’ll like the gift I have design...
The sweet little Chicky of mine...
Who was born on Jan the nine...

9th Jan 2010


Sneha!! hmmm…I’m glad that I still know her by that name! According to her I call her that only when I am angry with her and let me tell you, I am not one who gets angry so often. ;-) Anyway, the point is there are n # of names I call her by…

She is sweeter than Cadbury’s Dairy Milk and cleverer than Chanakya…she is confident like Scrooge McDuck and confused like Donald Duck…at times, frightened like a three yr old and at the rest, fighting like a firing cannon…gets upset like Goofy and sets upsets like B’desh in worldcup’07…stubborn as to make the Himalayas melt at her feet to make her a way to China and understanding as to walk the whole length of Russia, Canada, America, … Antarctica, Australia, Indonesia to reach Singapore if told not to go by Malaysia, fragile as a needle made of glass and strong as a column from the Rearden Metal…cries like a girl and thinks like a boy…smiles like a child and speaks like a matured…loving as the Christ in Rio and lovable as the Taj in Agra… In her own words, dahi samju ane sari… Sneha. …and in mine, mari nani nani, dahi dahi, pyari pyari, sweetu meetu chikudi mikudi …mari pyari bakudi. Further more, nautankies like Amitji, dances like Hritik, cries like Shah rukh and styles like john… bhangar, useless, merciless, ruthless…. like Parth.

For me, she is as precious as Platinum…needed like the last wish…wished to be fathered like the last life survived on the planet...I want her to always cry on my shoulder… sleep on my lap, dream every night and smile every morning remembering it… I want to hug her like I never have to let her go… eat her unbaked… want to kiss her like I don’t know what… I love her…love her like the way music can touch me, every part of mine… everything of mine…my heart, my mind, all my cells and my soul… 

Originally written on 5th Aug. 2007.


પતંગિયા પતંગિયા
મારા બકુડાને ગમે એવા

લાલ પીળા છીંકણી લીલા
કાળા ધોળા ગુલાબી નીલા
મારા બકુડાને ગમે એવા
પતંગિયા પતંગિયા

ફર-ફર ફર-ફર ઊડે એવા
ફૂલ-ફૂલ ફૂલ-ફૂલ ઘૂમે એવા
મારા બકુડાને ગમે એવા
પતંગિયા પતંગિયા 

Sunday, May 8, 2016


પાનખર ચઢે ને ડાળ રહી જાય શૂન્ય.
ગ્રહણ બેસે ને સૂર્ય બચી જાય શૂન્ય.
ઓટ આવે ને કિનારો થઇ જાય શૂન્ય.
મૃગજળે ઊભું મૃગ ને જળ ઊડી થાય શૂન્ય.
અબજનો એક મીટે ને શેષ મીંડા ગણી જાય શૂન્ય.
બંધ થતી ચાંપ પર ચિન્હ સૂચવી જાય શૂન્ય.
વીજપ્રવાહ થંભે ને ગોળો બુઝી થાય શૂન્ય.
પડદો પડે ને રંગમંચ બની જાય શૂન્ય.
શ્વાસ થંભે ને શરીર વધી જાય શૂન્ય.
વાત-આવરણ તૂટે ને અવકાશ કરી જાય શૂન્ય.
અબુધ પ્રયત્નો સરવાળે મળી થાય શૂન્ય.
લાલસા સામે બુદ્ધિમત્તા ટકી જાય શૂન્ય.
કુબુદ્ધિ સુઝે ને જીવતર સમેટી થાય શૂન્ય.
વિરહ વિચારે 'પૃથક' વેઠી જાય શૂન્ય.